The 361º is a biannual publication about art and design. Through the interviews, features and essays it explores the connections between creators and creations providing emerging artists a platform to showcase their work as well as learn from more experienced peers. Each issue is centred around a different seemingly mundane topic and how different creatives have tackled it.

The magazine features a unique format that opens to a perfect square giving a nod to the 1:1 format commonly used in social media. 

A unique navigation system and sectioning break up the publication in 5 sections with a set number of degrees associated with them; 0º, 90º 180º, 270º and 360º.

With each transition from section to section, the physical magazine must be turned 90º to the right in order to continue reading. The use of arrows throughout the whole publication guides the reader’s flow. 

The first issue explores the Body, how it's been represented through history, how it's being represented nowadays, and how the social perception of our bodies impacts us as a whole. Each section is tailored to a specific body part. Head and Shoulders, Torso, Identity, Legs and Genitalia, and finally a catalogue of pieces for sale by the artists featured throught the issue.

Both the design and typesetting selected for the magazine respond to the Idea of taking a mundane topic and viewing it from a new and unexpected perspective.

The whole publication features two very mundane and classic typefaces, Times New Roman and Arial but makes special use of their condensed variants, a less commonly used variant for both, and also a response to the narrow and tall page shape.

The grid is composed of 6 columns and 10 rows for portrait pages and 10 columns and 6 rows for landscape ones. This generates a modular system, flexible enough to withstand the different fold positions that the publication requires.

The end result is a publication by and for creatives that’s not only interesting because of the contents featured but also as an object that challenges traditional magazine rules.

The project was nominated to the 2020 Laus awards as part of the 2019-2020 Editorial Design Masters Program for ELISAVA.


-Abel Azcona
-Emma de Clerq
-Lianne Kersten
-Lisa Le Fetuvre
-Liana Satenstein
-Maria Cuoco
-Miss Rosen
-Vivian Cheng
-Andrew d’Angelo
-Andres Eidson
-Ben Cole
-Eivind Hansen

︎︎︎ Collaboration with Stephanie Vellit

︎︎︎All photographs, illustrations, projects and texts featured are copyright property of their original creators